Architecture/Design Track: Trends in Acute Care Construction and Design
Date & Time
Monday, June 3, 2024, 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Location Name
National Ballroom B

The needs of acute care settings are constantly changing and evolving, requiring healthcare construction and design to be always adapting. But in an era of change, how do you choose what deserves your attention? In 2024, hospitals are prioritizing flexible spaces, specifically to improve patient and family comfort and privacy, as well as environmentally conscious designs, outdoor integrations, and a strategic focus on infection prevention.

Join industry thought leaders as they break down what these acute care trends mean for your health system and explore immediate advancements that can be made to get ahead of them.

Learning Objectives:

1. Discover the fundamental shifts in acute care design is the emphasis on patient-centered design and spaces, prioritizing patient comfort and well-being.

2. Plan and understand how to design and construct acute care facilities that seamlessly integrate with the overall hospital scale is essential. Involving such factors as efficient circulation and adaptability for future needs or requirements.

3. Prepare for the challenges that inflation, supply chain disruptions, and labor shortages continue to impact acute care construction and design. According to the 2024 Hospital Construction survey nearly half of the healthcare respondents have experienced cost increases and delays on 76% to 100% of recent projects.

4. Understand the evolving healthcare models and how changing healthcare models impact facility design, considering factors like value-based care, population health, and patient-centered approaches.

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