Facilities/Engineering Track: Artificial Intelligence in Facilities
Date & Time
Monday, June 3, 2024, 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Location Name
National Ballroom D

With the constant innovation of artificial intelligence (AI), the question of many organizations is what impact this technology can have on their facilities. Through the use of AI-driven predictive maintenance, healthcare facilities have the potential for performance optimization, cost reduction, and overall facility management elevation. By combining AI’s analytical capabilities with real-time data, this technological development can mean enhanced accuracy, autonomy, and adaptability for your facilities.

Join industry thought leaders as they break down AI’s role in facilities from their experience, as well as its potential implications in your own. Break down Predictive Maintenance, future technological trends, efficient administrative workflows, and overall efficient facilities management in this innovative session.

Learning Objectives:

1. Analyze the potential benefits of AI-driven Predictive Maintenance (PdM) for your facility.

2. Explain the role of technology within your facility.

3. Define areas of potential growth in your facility that could be bolstered by AI’s analytical capabilities.

4. Evaluate the ethical considerations of AI in your organization.

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