Facilities/Engineering Track: Standardization in Facilities Post M&A Activity
Date & Time
Monday, June 3, 2024, 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Location Name
National Ballroom D

After a hospital undergoes a merger or acquisition, standardization in hospital plant operations often becomes a crucial consideration. From reducing cost and improving quality to overall challenges and considerations, the impact of mergers and acquisitions on facilities requires a focus on standardization in order to continue running operations effectively.

Join industry thought leaders as they discuss the practical importance of merger or acquisition challenges. Learn how this could impact your facility and understand the necessity of creating a plan of response.

Learning Objectives:

1. Draw an actionable plan for future mergers or acquisitions to illustrate a plan of response.

2. Express the importance of standardization in order to accurately ensure the compliance of your facility.

3. Evaluate the timeline involved in implementing operational changes through facility standardization.

4. Define success in facility standardization and what fully optimized operations look like in your facility.

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