Supplier Strategies Track: IDN Architecture/Design Leadership Discussion
Date & Time
Monday, June 3, 2024, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location Name
National Ballroom A

Contractors, architects, designers, engineers, equipment planners, and healthcare suppliers are challenged with assisting facility leaders in building and designing healthcare facilities with limited resources. Examples of these challenges are sustainable design, smart hospitals, competing priorities, limited resources, and the patient experience among others.

When faced with these challenges, collaboration becomes essential. During this session, we’ll discuss ways in which to break down silos and improve communications to more efficiently build healthcare facilities.

Learning Objectives:

1. Identify building and design’s impact on patient care.

2. Define sustainability strategies in building new healthcare facilities.

3. Detect areas of communications improvement for your hospital construction project.

4. Evaluate the latest technologies used in constructing your healthcare facilities and in the patient experience once completed.

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