Sunday, June 2 l 1:30 PM – 5:00 PM

National Ballroom C

In the ACE Summit Capital Projects Forum, come together to discuss strategies to improve your organization's capital projects and streamline the roles of everyone involved. Through topics of organizational difficulties, learning to work as a team, and walking through the approval process, discover what ACE means for the efficiency of your capital projects and learn the practical implications of each facet of the ACE Summit:

A: Architecture, Design, Construction

C: Capital Equipment

E: Clinical and Facilities Engineering

This forum will be eligible for up to three hours of Continuing Education (CE) credit.

Open to all but attendance is limited. RSVP required.

To register or for more information contact Trey Beuttel or call 859.523.5701

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

This session offers the opportunity to learn from your peers regarding current organizational pressures and explores challenges that may prevent a clear path to success. Foster discussion concerning roles and responsibilities within your organization and those of other attendees.

Learning Objectives:

1. Explore current organizational structures and distribution of responsibilities.

2. Identify similarities in framework between attendees.

3. Examine possibilities of vulnerability in an organization’s structure.

4. Explain insights, ideas, and experiences through group sharing opportunities.

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Understand the internal and external pressures faced by attendee organizations today that challenge their success. Engage with peers in group sharing opportunities to break down silos and better understand how to work as a team.

Learning Objectives:

1. Outline capital projects and their implications for attendees.

2. Identify obstacles in decision making and implementing business or patient care strategies.

3. Learn from peers through areas of vulnerability in their organization.

4. Compare organizational goals and priorities moving forward.

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

The approval process is extremely complex, requiring approval from multiple different users along the way. Formulate a strategic approach to optimizing the Approval Process while eliminating obstacles that are preventing efficiency in your organization.

Learning Objectives:

1. Engage in conversations about how attendees have addressed solutions for change.

2. Learn practical action steps through applicable success stories.

3. Discover effective solutions implemented through learnings in or out of your own organization.

4. Define tactical strategies for optimizing the approval process now and for the near- and long-term future.